Offensive of Eastern Front, 5.9.1918-22.2.1919. The purpose - release Average Povolgy and Ural from rebellion Czechoslovak and White forces. Armies of Eastern Front having reflected with assistance of Volga navy at the end of August take to resolute offensive and during the Kazan, Simbirsk, Suzran-Samara operations (September 5 of October 1918) have put a defeat it and have rejected from Volga on 100-150 kms. In October - November the Soviet forces have surrounded and rout both Igevsk-Votkinsk and Boguruslan groups of White forces, having released Average Povolgy. In night on 17-18 November, 1918 the rebellion group from the structure of the officers kazak armies, placed in Omsk, has arrested the socialist leaders of a Directory and has handed all completeness of authority to the admiral Kolchak. Under the insisting of the allies Kolchak was announced “ by the Supreme Governor of Russia ”. According to the order of the admiral Kolchak from December 24, 1918. The Ekaterinburg group was deve unwrapped in the Siberian Army of new formation. At the end of December, 1918 from forces Ural kazak- Ural Separate Army was formed. 

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